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Guided Journey Primer

 A new Nature Being will be explored 
on an ongoing basis 
for a Journey of Discovery.
Their Power Message offers a significant personal and global benefit of Connection, Growth, and Empowerment. It is a
spiritual jumpstart for your day and
a cosmic connection in the eve!


Mountain Spirit Power Message
~ Gift of Solitude ~

My power rests within you, as we are One.

You carry my strength within

For we are bound together by stone and bone.

As you look to your heart, do so alone

For in solitude, lie doors to the Great Unknown.

Relax in this knowing, for it is good.

You can be found in the mist of quiet

And your Strength of Self dwells there.

It is by this realm that you shall find me

And know of the Power Within.



Mountain Majesty

Prayer of Thanksgiving




To understand how these messages unfold,
go to How Nature Speaks


Read the first Nature Communication

in the Song of the Deva


Nature is alive and talking to us.

This is not a metaphor.


~ Terrance McKenna ~

Rediscovering Nature's Paradigm

~ The Core Ideas of Systems Theory ~


Walking in a lush natural setting it’s amazing to consider all the information flowing around us. Flowers and trees are releasing genetic information for their kin through pollen, while scents and colors signal to insects and animals that a tasty nectar or fruit is available.


Bees buzz about, returning to their hives to communicate the direction of local feasts. Birds are calling to mates or warning away approaching predators. Thousands of insects are communicating below the grass with chemical signals we cannot smell. In the world around us, Nature is “talking” all the time.


We humans seem to have taken this capability to a new level with our ability to communicate and represent information through spoken languages and written symbols… We may be fooling ourselves, however, if we think that our tools (and books) somehow prove that we are smarter than nature.


We are a fundamental part of nature, one of the newer expressions of a universe that came up with DNA coding and neural systems over half a billion years ago. Nature offers us a living library of wisdom to learn from, a world that often “speaks” to us, if we listen carefully.


As one Native American leader put it, “You know, if you take all your books, lay them out under the sun, and let the snow and rain and insects work on them for a while, there will be nothing left. But the Great Spirit has provided you and me with an opportunity for study in nature’s university, the forests, the rivers, the mountains, and the animals which include us.


This is the second part of an essay that was published in 1996 entitled “Systems Theory: Rediscovering Nature’s Paradigm.” 

Christopher Chase; Fukuoka, Japan: "My goal was to try to simplify and summarize the most important ideas of systems theory."




People normally cut reality into compartments,

and so are unable to see the interdependence

of all phenomena. To see one in all and all

in one is to break through the great barrier

which narrows one’s perception of reality.


~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

There is healing in the trees for tired minds and
for our overburdened spirits, there is strength
in the hills, if only we will lift up our eyes.
Remember that Nature is your great restorer 


~ Calvin Coolidge ~

Welcome Fellow Spirit Travelers!


I would like to share some suggestions for a beneficial experience on your journey of intimate heart-communion with the Nature Spirit Beings who dwell within and around our world. These are the Animals, Plants, Minerals, and Elements who want to communicate with us in loving partnership. Nature is one of our greatest teachers and allies!


There are inherent benefits of communicating through the deep and opening processes of guided visualization and meditation. In communication with these spirit-beings of Mother Earth, you can receive compelling messages on how to live within your natural state of well-being. Well-being is peace with yourself. Peace with yourself is harmony with all life.


Some of you may have, or are meditating via the classic form of emptying the mind and/or focusing on a mantra, but the Nature Guided Journey centers on the active participation of your mind. It is a vision quest of energetic connection with Nature Beings, our next-of-kin!


There are four main stages to enhance the flow within this process of partnership and union - with powerful advantages of each. They are: relaxation, infusion, imagination, and communion.





The first important step is conscious breathing. Slow and deep, at your own comfortable pace. This is a purification process of breathing healing energy into your body. You can imagine light-filled Prana entering your body, touching every cell with its healing essence. Prana is Sanskrit for breath – the Life-Giving force. As you inhale, allow it to flow to and through you. As you exhale, imagine stress and discomfort leaving your body. During this whole experience, you may even feel a tingling sensation, as you are filling your body with the energy of Source-Love.


Relaxation is the process of allowing yourself – body, heart, and mind - to LET GO! Letting go of what may be gripping you or demanding your attention at the moment. These three aspects can be challenging. It takes a conscious act of giving yourself permission to put any demands of the body, heart, and mind on hold for the time being, as you allow yourself to become open to a new experience of high spiritual vibration and connection. It is the act of Being Here Now. This is the mindful intent of the journey - to release all the ties that bind.


To soothe any bodily discomfort, the conscious act will be to find the most gentle space of rest. It is of prime importance for the body to be as comfortable as possible.


If the heart emotions are currently causing stress, practice consciously comforting yourself with the precious feeling of anticipating an intimate bond with Nature’s Beautiful Spirit. This can override any high emotions temporarily, and may even diffuse them after the journey!


To calm any overactive thought processes, the use of the mind is vital for this practice because the mind is the main perpetrator! As we hold much of the mundane world’s demands within, we are blocking our prospects of spiritual connection to that which heals. So with this in mind (pun!), it can offer a clearing space for forward movement into that sacred realm of restoration and rejuvenation.




After you have made friends with a gentle state of rest – a great gift to yourself - an infusion of natural openness occurs. It is a blossoming of soul-space. Herein, a state of natural harmony is given precedence. You are in the receiving state of Grace. This is another letting go and permission of self for union with Divine synchronicity and serendipity. A feeling of peace may be powerful at this stage, softening into a quiet space. You are now in the seed-stage of communion - a most fertile place of manifestation.



"Imagination is more important than knowledge,” sayeth Albert Einstein! This is where your spiritual abundance begins growing! Imagination is your Divine Inheritance - a great gift into worlds unknown. It is a powerful tool which can guide you into the transformation of Self. Imagination can touch the heavenly realms - a portal into worlds within and without. This is where you allow your psychic senses to take you on Spirit journeys of awakening. Whatever surfaces through the Art of Imagination as a loving feeling is from Source. It is your safe place to explore and discover - to grow and embrace yourself, and the beauty of all life. Nothing has ever been created in the physical before it has been imagined within! This is where visions take place beyond the physical realm.





Now you are on your way! Engaging relaxation, infusion, and imagination are doorways to heart-based communion with Spirit. Nature’s Spirit is dwelling in the same etheric space as we are. They are a breath away! They long for a sharing of beauty, joy, and harmony with humanity. As you enter into this realm through the Guided Journey workshop and podcasts, the field is wide open for a vision quest and a sacred melding of Spirit. You will be guided into the practice of Ancient and Indiginous Ways of Earth Whisperer. You will be guided towards powerful communion with the Beautiful Beings of our world whom we walk with every day, in every way.


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