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the story of the


Song of the Deva

Under the surface appearance, everything is

not only connected with everything else but

also with the Source of Life out of which it came.

Even a stone, and more easily a flower or a bird,

could show you the way back to God, to Source,

to yourself. Its essence silently communicates itself to

you and reflects your own essence back to you. 


~ Eckhart Tolle ~



What suddenly and profoundly changed my life happened one beautiful spring day in 2009.


Resting in the tranquility of my backyard garden on a cool March afternoon, I relaxed in a heavenly haven of flowers, trees, and sky. A graceful flowing pond and soft caressing breeze soothed me as I closed my eyes in sweet repose. I was happily at peace with the world. Reclining on a lounge I breathed deeply in quiet repose,  inhaling the pure and lovely essence of the fragrant fresh air filled with warm sunlight and the majesty of fir, pine, and cedar.


Suddenly a flock of crows flew overhead cawing loud and steady. I awoke out of my reverie. They called persistently as if heralding a proclamation, I mused. Just as suddenly, dozens of songbirds encircled me in the trees, chirping and chanting in a concert of breathtaking song. I looked around and listened intently, in surprise and disbelief, to this heavenly Symphony of the Sublime!


I felt embraced by a powerful vibration in the atmosphere. My awareness began to perceive a very lucid and heightened sense of clarity, and I felt I had entered a pure elevated realm of dynamic energy, almost tingling. The birds continued to sing and caw steadily in unison above me.


Unexpectedly I heard a slightly feminine voice, from within and around me. It permeated the garden. It spoke from the sky, from the birds, from the trees, from the bees, from me - everywhere! I sat frozen, trying to comprehend the source. The voice said, “We have come to you through birdsong, because of your love and attraction to it.”


Instantly my whole being perceived the voice to be a Nature Deva, an over-lighting Being who guides the creation and protection of the natural world. She declared,


“The Source of Nature needs to be revealed

to mankind. We are telling you of the

importance of communication with Nature"


Not moving a muscle, I sat very still, breathing slow and deep. Then the Deva shared a sacred message which she said all Nature vibrates. She emphasized there is a yearning of all life for unity with mankind. This is what she imparted:


By faith, we call unto you to blend with our forces.

Reach for the highest, in union with Divine Nature.

We come within you to raise our energies in harmony with Earth

For your life as you know it is in your hands.


Look to your very thoughts in the workings of the mind of man

And seek the element of Peace in all that you do.

To raise to this consciousness

You must stand on the Throne of Love to all.

We are working with your Spirit Soul to do so

But the word must come from you in agreement.


Nature, through the Heart of God, is offered to you.

Be pleased with her life, and enjoin in prayer ~

Prayer for Peace, Prayer for Beauty, Prayer for Harmony.

She offers these to you at all times, in Love.


See yourself as part of the Natural Life ~

Your body and soul are made from the same as Nature.

Herein lies your connection ~ the Source of One.

Praise is unto you from Heaven on Earth

As you raise your thoughts on high to Peace.


Our voice is within every Mountaintop, every Grain of Sand

Every Breeze in the Sky, every Flame of the Sun

Every Raindrop of Dew, every Flower Petal glistening

Every Butterfly rising, every Wolf echoing.

We are Life, and you walk within our Kingdom.

Praise our life as Gifted and Blessed...Unto You.


I gently opened my eyes and remained still. Immediately all the birds stopped singing as mysteriously as they began! I breathed deeply, looking around the garden, my eyes full of wonder. A transcendent enduring peace enfolded me. This mysterious encounter felt surreal, like a dream, but the most lucid and sublime I have ever experienced. Everything felt ethereal ~ quiet, harmonious, and full of grace.


I felt I had entered an elevated realm of Divine Consciousness governed by Pure Love, surrounded by a blessed benevolent energy embracing me in a time in space that was actually infinite and eternal.


What a beautiful message - full of hope,  beauty, and love! This holy prayer, this communion with the Deva and emergence with Nature filled me with a profound humility and newfound worship for all life. Knowing the important role Nature plays in the very survival of life on earth became a crystal clear, urgent message. Deep within, I knew in order for humanity to survive, love and honor for the realm of Nature was vital. This came from a place of inner feeling and knowledge, rather than scientific fact. I remembered the powerful words of one of our greatest contemporary humanitarians, Albert Schweitzer, who prophesied, “Until he extends his circle of compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace”.


I looked up to the heavens with a prayer of hope for all mankind. Together, one by one, we can raise our Beautiful Selves and give all the love that we truly are to the Glory of Life.


Within our most cherished hearts, all of humanity 

desires to dwell in Love, Peace, and Joy


Through harmony with the Kingdom of Nature we can transform ourselves to fulfill these dreams - to recognize our Divine Selves, where Spirit resides and all live in harmony.


We are surrounded by Beautiful Beings everywhere - we are blessed beyond belief! The Animals, Plants, Minerals and Elements have Great Gifts of Spirit to share. The gifts of Nature are intricately interwoven within ourselves through one fabric of life. Spirit is alive and well in all beings! From the great planetary orbs in the heavens to microscopic atoms pulsating in a grain of sand we share the embodiment of Divinity within - the source of all life, our authentic essence.


For over a year after this experience, I deeply questioned my sanity. What had I really seen? What had I really heard? Was my mind overflowing with the wildest of imaginings? I kept to myself. In profound contemplation, I reflected the implications: I could be viewed as either living in “non-reality”, or worse yet the victim of delusional rantings - a crazy woman! It sounded like the stuff of madness, but it truly was a gladness! Either way, I had been "out of my mind".


Ultimately, one thing could not be denied. What I experienced, what I heard, was beautiful. It was heart-opening. It was Love. How could that be false? The voice I heard and the message I received were from a source of Pure Love ~ Love from Life. In the deepest recesses of my being, Love was Truth. I knew that all the profound and beautiful teachings from mystics, teachers, and sages throughout time could be summed up in one word:





 Sweet Blessings!





To read Nature Speaks! messages, 

go to Communion with Nature




Love and do what you will.

~ St. Anthony ~




Energetic Connection


All life is energetic, and each form of life is comprised of a unique vibrational pattern. The fundamental properties of these vibrations manifest in the universal essence of giving and receiving energy. This act of giving and receiving can be called an energetic connection. 


One form of this connection is called channeling. Channeling is as ancient as humanity. We all receive messages - it is the universal flow of energetic consciousness prevalent in all life. Channeling is similar to being a receiver and tuning into a particular frequency of vibration, which is perceived between the alpha and theta brain wave states. It is the process of receiving communications of information through the extra sensory perceptions of inspiration, telepathy, empathy, and/or intuition, which is experienced through life whether awareness is present or not.


All energy is broadcasting and we are

all receivers in one form or another


Channeling is just a deeper process of connecting to a specific being of consciousness, and expressing in the form of transmissions what is being experienced in communique. It is akin to being a conduit of information between the physical and non-physical realms.


Information can come to us through common inspiration or life-altering epiphanies. Messages can be perceived through thought forms, hunches, gut-feelings, and/or soul-knowing, etc. Some of us become aware of communication from several sources at different stages of life, and we use it for beneficial guidance, clarity and direction. Whether we are aware or not, the flow of energetic connection is ever-present and eternal.


Whether we are aware or not,

the flow of energetic connection

is ever-present and eternal


Psychic senses are the spiritual counterparts to our physical senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. Many of us have experienced these heightened senses, even briefly, and the feelings and communications that have occurred as a result. They are labeled as clairvoyance, clairscent, clairaudience, clairgustance, and clairtangency, respectively. Clairsentience is another common sense which relates to an inner feeling sensation, a deep knowing. These metaphysical senses can be felt in varying degrees, and it is understood that they are simply communications within non-physical etheric planes of existence - consciousness dwelling in and around all life.


Nature Communion

as Earth Whisperer


Before my experience with the Nature Deva in 2009, I began having the distinct and powerful feeling of Nature literally expanding. The only way I can describe it using language is that Nature was Pure Life ~ all-encompassing, prevailing, and inclusive. It was not this, that, or the other. There was no separation - physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, or otherwise.


My first encounter was with the ocean - Mother Ocean. I saw light emanating from within Her in great rays of pulsating energy, and these powerful rays spoke of the Unity of All. It was more than an esoteric concept, it was cosmic truth.


Ocean became, and reflected,

all life ~ ad infinitum


It took the form of a mandala – the sacred ancient symbol of harmony, from whence everything flows in perfect equilibrium from its Divine source center ~ the point of creation.


I began feeling a very heightened sense of Oneness . My energy felt unified with the pure life-spirit of the ocean. Mother Ocean’s consciousness was within me. There was no division ~ I Was Her.


Then I “heard” Her within and without, and with an inner auditory sense of perceiving, I heard Her life essence speak of the Divine Unity of all life. I was filled with pure joy and vitality! The magnitude of her power seemed to rejuvenate every part of my physical body, as well as my mental and emotional bodies. My whole being tingled in a heightened vibration. Skin-stars! Needless to say, my spiritual body was riding high!


You will know messages are from

Divine Source when they truly

resonate with the stream of

Universal Love and Well-Being


Ensuing messages continued with more Nature Beings as communications came flooding through. I became aware of being in an altered state of consciousness. Time was suspended in no-time. As a writer, I always have pen and paper with me, and at times I am not aware what I am writing. I write what I hear, then “come out” of a trance-like state and read what was written, unbeknownst to me.


After I listened, I began to feel a powerful sense that this was the  way of the Ancient and Indiginous peoples ~ the way of communion between Nature and Earth Whisperer. It was an act of mostly listening to the intelligent quintessential Spirit dwelling within all life with the consciousness of the heart.


The Spirits of Animals, Plants, Minerals,

and the Elements are speaking!


Some Nature Beings share messages which are delightful and playful, some serious and thought-provoking, some comforting and enfolding, and some intense and bracing. They all came from the pure source of Deep Love. A predominant and transcendent revelation was loud and clear: Nature’s Spirit is sharing with humanity how to live in the inherent state of Well-Being.


Nature Beings are giving us

Guidance for LIFE 101!


As a result of these experiences, I believe when one can feel through the imagined barriers of separation, an innate sense of merging consciousness can naturally occur. The marriage of Divine Oneness is felt as reality. At this point, the unique energetic vibration of one being can bond and unify with another being in Universal Consciousness. This is genuinely experienced as the Oneness that life speaks of. Beginning as a mental concept, it moves through the heart and is known as Reality.


We Truly Are Living As One!

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